Fri 22 Jun 2018 16:35 - 17:00 at Grand Ballroom AB - Parallelism Chair(s): Julian Dolby

This paper introduces a new approach to building distributed-memory graph analytics systems that exploits heterogeneity in processor types (CPU and GPU), partitioning policies, and programming models. The key to this approach is Gluon, a communication-optimizing substrate.

Programmers write applications in a shared-memory programming system of their choice and interface these applications with Gluon using a lightweight API. Gluon enables these programs to run on heterogeneous clusters and optimizes communication in a novel way by exploiting structural and temporal invariants of graph partitioning policies.

To demonstrate Gluon's ability to support different programming models, we interfaced Gluon with the Galois and Ligra shared-memory graph analytics systems to produce distributed-memory versions of these systems named D-Galois and D-Ligra, respectively. To demonstrate Gluon's ability to support heterogeneous processors, we interfaced Gluon with IrGL, a state-of-the-art single-GPU system for graph analytics, to produce D-IrGL, the first multi-GPU distributed-memory graph analytics system.

Our experiments were done on CPU clusters with up to 256 hosts and roughly 70,000 threads and on multi-GPU clusters with up to 64 GPUs. The communication optimizations in Gluon improve end-to-end application execution time by ~2.6$x on the average. D-Galois and D-IrGL scale well and are faster than Gemini, the state-of-the-art distributed CPU graph analytics system, by factors of ~3.9x and ~4.9x, respectively, on the average.

Fri 22 Jun

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16:10 - 17:25
ParallelismPLDI Research Papers at Grand Ballroom AB
Chair(s): Julian Dolby IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
GPU Code Optimization using Abstract Kernel Emulation and Sensitivity Analysis
PLDI Research Papers
Changwan Hong , Aravind Sukumaran-Rajam Ohio State University, USA, Jinsung Kim Ohio State University, USA, Prashant Singh Rawat , Sriram Krishnamoorthy Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Louis-Noël Pouchet Colorado State University, Fabrice Rastello INRIA, P. Sadayappan Ohio State University
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Gluon: A Communication-Optimizing Substrate for Distributed Heterogeneous Graph Analytics
PLDI Research Papers
Roshan Dathathri University of Texas at Austin, USA, Gurbinder Gill University of Texas at Austin, USA, Loc Hoang University of Texas at Austin, USA, Hoang-Vu Dang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Alex Brooks University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Nikoli Dryden University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Marc Snir UIUC, Keshav Pingali University of Texas at Austin, USA
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Heartbeat Scheduling: Provable Efficiency for Nested Parallelism
PLDI Research Papers
Umut A. Acar Carnegie Mellon University, Arthur Charguéraud Inria, Adrien Guatto , Mike Rainey , Filip Sieczkowski University of Wrocław
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